
Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Training Announcement: GIS Programming

Organization: UAF eCampus
Location: Online
Date(s): January 14-May 5, 2019

GIS programming for ArcView, Arc/Info and ArcGIS. Programming techniques for customizing GIS, efficient batch processing, and development of custom tools for GIS display and analysis. Taught by David Verbyla. 3 Credits.

Training Announcement

Training Announcement: GIS Analysis

Organization: UAF eCampus
Location: Online
Date(s): January 14-May 5, 2019

GIS analysis of natural resources including spatial query, attribute query, vector, grid, image, topographic and network analysis techniques. Taught by David Verbyla. 4 Credits.

Training Announcement

Training Announcement: Navigating GIS Concepts

Organization: UAF-GINA/Blue Skies Solutions Training
Location: GINA Remote Sensing/GIS Lab, West Ridge Research Bldg Room 004, Fairbanks
Date(s): August 20-21, 2018; January 7-8, 2019; March 11-12, 2019; May 6-7, 2019

This course teaches what a GIS is and what you can do with it with a focus on utilizing Alaska GIS resources. Working with Esri’s ArcGIS Desktop and ArcGIS Online, you will create maps, explore and analyze the data behind the maps, and apply methods to easily share your maps. By the end of the course, you will gain solid understanding of how GIS maps and ArcGIS tools are used to visualize real-world features, discover patterns, obtain information, and communicate that information to others.

After completing the course, you will:
  • Have a clear understanding of GIS data structure and the file format in which they are stored and managed
  • Be familiar with the most commonly used projections and datums in Alaska and how they impact your mapping
  • Import and work with GPS data points in your GIS
  • Locate GIS data for Alaska, and utilize data from the Geographic Information Network of Alaska (GINA)
  • Analyze a GIS map to identify where features that meet specific criteria are located
  • Quickly create and share a GIS map using ArcGIS Online, so they can be viewed using desktop applications, websites, and mobile devices
  • Have an understanding of what Python scripting is and how it may be used to aid your GIS processes

Training Announcement

Training Announcement: Mastering GIS Concepts

Organization: UAF-GINA/Blue Skies Solutions Training
Location: GINA Remote Sensing/GIS Lab, West Ridge Research Bldg Room 004, Fairbanks
Date(s): August 22-23, 2018; January 9-10, 2019; March 13-14, 2019; May 8-9, 2019

This course is designed for those who have a good foundation in the basics of GIS and are ready to explore some of the more technical components of ArcGIS for Desktop software as well as ArcGIS Online.

After completing the course, you will:
  • Use the various methods of labeling in ArcGIS
  • Create new data and edit existing data in ArcGIS
  • Create and execute a Python tool
  • Use the primary geoprocessing tools within ArcGIS to perform spatial analysis
  • Use ArcGIS Online to create a feature service of editable vector data
  • Use ArcGIS Online to create a map application that allows users to edit data

Training Announcement