
Friday, March 22, 2019

Event Announcement: 2019 Great Alaska Sportsman Show

VIP Lounge: GPS for Outdoor Enthusiasts

GIS Specialists Joel Cusick and Chris Felker will teach you how to mark your current location using a GPS receiver, how to navigate back to “home” along a route and how to use a compass and map when all else fails. A free satellite map showing the Sullivan Arena will be provided, along with GPS devices to practice on. This seminar is presented by the Alaska Arc User Group and National Park Service and is for adults, kids, hunters, fishermen, aviators, snowmachiners and hikers.

Volunteers are needed to support AAUG in this annual outreach event.

Please consider helping out during one or more of the following timeslots:
April 4 : 7:00 pm
April 5 : 5:00 pm
April 6 : Noon & 5:00 pm
April 7 : Noon

Contact Joel Cusick at or Chris Felker at