
Monday, June 19, 2023

AAUG Elections on 06/21

AAUG has had the same board since pre-Covid, and we are (finally) holding elections following the presentations on Wednesday, June 21!

Please join us to volunteer and help to select our board. Several of the current board members are happy to continue in the same or new roles, but we definitely need help to complete the slate of positions open so AAUG can continue coordinating presentations and training opportunities for the Alaska GIS community. Come learn more about these fun and helpful positions and remember, holding any board seat in a local GIS group earns points for GISP certification!

The elected positions are (anyone within AAUG can vote):

  • President
  • Treasurer (Chris Harrington will continue)
  • Secretary
And the volunteer positions are:
  • Newsletter
  • Meeting Logistics
  • Webmaster/Job Postings (Angie Southwould will continue)
  • x3 Director at Large positions

If you cannot make the meeting in person or via zoom (same link as general meeting shown above), but would still like to be considered for or nominate someone for a board position, please email Chris before noon on Wednesday.(