
Thursday, October 30, 2014

K12 Teachers Seeking GeoMentors

Interested in helping out a local K12 educator by sharing your expertise in GIS?  Many Alaskan teachers have begun using ArcGIS Online for Organizations subscriptions in their classrooms, along with the Collector for ArcGIS app. Some of them are looking for a GeoMentor.  This could mean having someone they could call or email once in a while with questions, someone who can publish editable feature services to their online accounts for data collection, someone to meet with to walk through project specifics, or someone to visit the classroom and share their knowledge of GIS with students.

If you are open to the possibility of becoming a GeoMentor, please visit the K12 GIS Story Map, click on the GeoMentor section and hit the "Count Me In" map link.  For more information on GIS in Alaska's K12 schools, contact Katie Kennedy at 907-474-6121 or via email at